Under the weather? Relax at home, your meds are on their way. Lagniappe Pharmacy offers local delivery to the communities we serve and the surrounding areas so you can stay on track with your medication regimen without ever leaving the house.
Already out and about? We also have a convenient drive-thru available during pharmacy hours.
Protect friends, family and those around you from diseases. Not everyone is eligible for vaccinations. By getting vaccinated you keep others from being exposed to the disease. We are proud to provide vaccinations to protect you from seasonal flu, pneumonia, shingles, and Tdap.
Ready to get your flu shot? Either give us a call to set up an appointment or stop by! Walk-ins are welcome.

All your meds in one pick-up. Med sync simplifies your prescription refills. Instead of having to make multiple trips to the pharmacy throughout the month to pick up your prescriptions, this process coordinates all your medications into one easy monthly pick-up or delivery!
Talk to our staff today to get signed up and schedule your monthly pick-up date!
Choose the coverage that meets your needs. Medicare Part D can be confusing! Your healthcare needs evolve, public resources change, and it can be hard to know which plan is right for you.
We can help! We know your medications, the industry, and we prioritize your health. Book your FREE Medicare Part D review any time during the open enrollment season (October 15th through December 7th).

Don’t just stay on schedule. Understand your schedule. Whether your regimen is short-term or has multiple maintenance medications, making sense of it all can be challenging. Let us work with you to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of how, when, and why you should take your medicine. These consultations include:
Working to simplify your medication regimen and decrease side effects
Checking for drug interactions
If possible, finding less expensive medication alternatives

Don’t let mobility concerns stop you from living life. We want to make sure you can keep going about your daily life as easily as possible. That’s why we make it simple to get the equipment you need to keep living your life to the fullest.
Our inventory includes (but is not limited to) walkers, seated walkers, canes, back support belts, compression stockings, nebulizers, and bath transfer benches. We can bill Medicare and most insurances.​ If we don't have what you need, we can order it!
Lagniappe Pharmacy also carries nebulizer equipment and supplies to help with your respiratory needs, and our staff will provide guidance on how to use the devices.
At Lagniappe Pharmacy, we care about the health of our local children. Just like you, we want to make sure children develop healthy habits including getting their daily nutrients. That’s why we offer our FREE Kids Vitamin Club!
Children (age 4 to 12) who are members of our Vitamin Club receive free chewable multi-vitamins every 30 days with no strings attached. A parent or guardian simply needs to stop into the pharmacy and enroll their child(ren) and then accompany them when they pick up their monthly supply. It’s that easy and FREE!

Have you ever had to wrestle your children to get them to take their medicine? Maybe you’ve begged a tight-lipped toddler to please please just take the medicine, only to have them spit it out? You are not alone.
Sometimes the taste of medicine is the only thing standing between a child and getting healthy. We empower kids to choose the taste of their medication FLAVORx medication flavoring, which makes it easier for little ones to actually follow their regimen.